The families of children with complex or chronic health needs are often faced with healthcare decisions they are not always emotionally or mentally able to make. They first need to get educated about their child illness and the process from learning to understanding can be emotionally difficult.
Part of the parent’s responsibilities is to interact with healthcare professionals including physicians, physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, just to name a few….
Care coordination is intended to improve your child’s quality of care when he/she is hospitalized and tailored to his or her condition. It is the liaison between you and the care team, insuring that communication remains constant. Parents should always be in the loop of what each health care professional is focused on in your child’s care. It takes “a village”!
The best is to have a single care coordinator. Someone you trust and will be in regular contact with the different health care professionals. It is also extremely important in care coordination, to have electronic health information systems to allow your child’s health information to be shared between clinicians and yourself.
For children who have chronic or ongoing conditions, the pediatrician can play a valuable role in ensuring that your child’s big picture health questions or developmental processes are met. He can address developmental milestones, guidance for prevention, and your child overall well being.
For Information On Care-Coordination For Your Child; Email Us
For Information On Medical Care Co-ordination Email Us contact@laurasmilefoundation.