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Mission & Goals

The Laura's Smile Foundation Mission and Goals

“Taking care of a chronically ill child is a lifetime journey. It is one of the most draining and difficult tasks a parent can face. Beyond handling physical challenges and medical needs, you have to deal with the emotional rollercoaster ride a prolonged illness takes the entire family on”.

The Laura Smile Foundation is specifically designed to provide financial assistance to eligible families so their children can start or continue critical, often life-saving medical treatments, surgeries or home hospitalization expenses they desperately need. These funds are to assist children 18 years old or younger living with chronic or life-altering conditions that their families are struggling to treat due to cost. Nothing else is more important for a parent than the health of their child – We understand the stress of financial burden that caring for a chronically ill child puts you under.


  • Provide food and lodging near every Major Children Hospital, to the families coming from other cities, states or countries, who have their critically ill child hospitalized.
  • Have an experienced pediatric medical professionals make house calls to the family’s home when a child is sick with a non- emergency condition, saving them exhausting and traumatizing trips to the Emergency room.
  • Send experienced Pediatric Nurse or Licensed Caregiver to stay with the child if the family needs a day or a night out to recharge.
  • Help and advocate for the families who cannot afford legal assistance to fight the battles against those medical insurances always a step away from dropping your coverage or cutting down the services your child desperately needs.
  • ……..(more goals coming….)
  • We want to put a smile on these children….

To Reach Our Goals, The Foundation Requires:


A gift to the Laura Smile Foundation isn’t just a donation; it is the opportunity for our kids and families to access diverse medical and healthcare services that may not be offered or covered through their health insurance of state programs. We want no child left behind regardless of their family ability to pay.

Support Special Events

Attend our diverse events by becoming a sponsor or purchasing tickets, you can join our amazing group of national and local partners. You will receive positive media attention, special promotional material, and most importantly, a chance to make a difference in those children’s quality of life.

State and Federal Grants Corporate Sponsorship

You Can Make a Difference

There is no right or wrong way to give back to YOUR community. We Thank you for YOUR support!  Every patient and their family receives the same level of attention regardless of their origin, religion, or social status. We as a charitable organization, rely heavily on YOUR support and generosity. YOU make a difference.